Thursday, April 16, 2009

Using Social Networks as a Basis of Business Communication

Nowadays, more and more businesses are using social networking websites, such as Facebook, to communicate online. These sites are being used to communicate amongst employees, communicate to customers, and also to recruit new business and/or employees.

One of the greater advantages of using social networking sites in organizations is that they are usually cheap and sometimes even free sources of communication. There are also limitless possibilities of the amount of people that can be met through these sites. With businesses keeping up with new technologies, they are enabling connections that can be made with other businesses or customers from all over the world.

When trying to reach customers, creating a page for your business on Facebook, for example, would make it easy to communicate with and advertise to customers. Compared to other types of advertisement, customers could always look up the website or go online and view information about the company at their leisure.

Social Networking sites are also a great way for employees to communicate between each other. When the phone is busy or email seems to be out of reach, employees can use a site like Facebook to keep in close contact with fellow associates. Facebook also allows multiple conversations between more than two associates with the ability to comment on each other's pages.

While social networking sites are very popular and are now being praised for helping businesses in communication and growth, there are a few things to be careful with. Because of the large exposure to these sites, such as Facebook, businesses must be extra careful with their use of wording and also with the behavior being represented on their sites as to not offend potential customers or business partners. Businesses could be misunderstood and their reputation could be on the line as a result.

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