Whenever you get the call back for an interview, all you can think about is, “ how do I prepare?” It’s good to know the company and do your research before you go in for the interview. Here are some good things to do in an interview.
- Show that you’re well rounded (weave skill sets, work/non-work examples)
- Sell yourself. Take credit while showing accountability (I vs. We)
- Remember your STARS, especially results (be specific about how you made it happen)
- Know key points of the company
Just as important as being prepared is knowing what to avoid. Here are some good things to avoid in an interview: “The Don’t’s”
- Don’t ramble (answer the question and be succinct)
- Don’t make up answers to make yourself look better
- Don’t “oversell” or be untrue to yourself
- Don’t lose your cool if something goes wrong
Communication in an interview is the key way that the interviewer can get to know you. They ask a series of questions that you will be asked to answer. They can ask questions that are result-driven and teamwork/leadership-driven, along with some marketing curiosity questions. Below are examples of each kind of question that you could be asked to answer.
Result Driven Questions
- In your last position, how did you define doing a good job? Using your definition, do you feel you did a good job? How do you know?
- What are your three most important accomplishments?
Teamwork/Leadership Questions
- Tell me about a time when you had to convince a team member to change his or her mind about something. What did you do?
- Tell me about a time you failed…and another…what did you learn?
Marketing Curiosity Questions
- Tell me about a product you think is well-marketed, and explain what makes it so.
- Why do you buy what you buy?
If you review the company and learn what they are looking for, practice what you have learned and be yourself, you will be able to communicate effectively with the interviewer and substantially increase your chances to get the job!
I thought this post was very informative and offers some great advice on how to make your interview stand out to employers.
ReplyDeleteBy using the tips mentioned you could go into the interview feeling more confident after researching what the company is looking for and keying in on assets that are relevant to the job your applying for.