Friday, April 3, 2009

Maintaining Communication Skills in a Highly Competitive Work Environment

Working in the field of Marketing can be very competitive, especially among co-workers. Many times, marketing professionals rely on commission-based sales as their take home salary. This can sometimes bring conflict into the workplace if co-workers do not use the right communication skills amongst each other.

It is important to remember that in any company, your co-workers are also your teammates. Although it is great to try to stand out as an individual and show off your talents, at the end of the day you are representing your company as a whole. Companies are most successful when they consist of a strong team of people working in unity, not separately.

If you work in a competitive work environment, here are some tips to maintain respectful communication among your co-workers:

  • As a team, you can come up with a shared goal when marketing to customers and making sales.

  • Keep each other informed about current clients you have or deals you are working on so it is known. This could prevent a variety of conflicts.

  • If you notice one of your teammates is falling behind in sales, you can help them with effective coaching on how to better market to customers.

By simply working together, there is no telling how successful your company can become.

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