Friday, March 20, 2009

What is Needed to Persuade Customers to Choose a Company's Product

In marketing, customers buy brands not products. Overall the customer is who you want to sell to and if you can't pull them in then they won't bother giving you the time of day. There are many ways to get customers to choose your company through the process of writing.

The key concept of Marketing is to build relationships, and like in any relationship you need trust. If there is no trust then you have nothing. There are ways to building trust and a great relationship with your customer even prior to meeting with them. It all comes to first impression and what they read about you and your product that will bring them in for more information.

When writing any form of advertisement, article in a newspaper, or little hand outs there are a few simple key items that need to be followed in order to catch the consumer. 
  • There is a saying KISS: Keep It Simple Salesperson
  • Don't use to big of words to describe an item
  • Make your writing flow and fun to read
  • Include illustrations for enhancement 
  • Word of mouth
Every marketer knows that they and there team of salespeople need to keep everything as simple as possible and right to the point. Someone doesn't want to get bored listening to you or only read the first paragraph of a piece of writing on a product. Always make sure to enlighten the customer with key tips and ideas of the product. Keep them wanting to hear more about it so they become more fond of it and your company.

Using big words is  very bad when trying to persuade a customer into buying from you. If they don't understand the word, then they won't understand what you are trying to say about the product. You need to think as if you are the customer wondering about the product and reading what it has to offer and what it is about. 

Keep your writing fun and easy to read. There are many ways or getting everything you want to say out without pushing it to the extreme. Always keep the client in mind and think of what they want to read about and what will pull them in so they ask more questions. 

Illustrations are a great aspect of persuasion. As we all know pictures can say a thousand words. By showing the product visually to the customer is the best way of getting your point across on how great it is and why they customer should have it. 

Lastly if the writing doesn't do the talking for you then word-of- mouth will. This is the informal transmission of ideas, comments, opinions and information between two people. If anyone wants to learn about your product then what's better than another customer with experience and knowledge about it. They will inform the new prospect about what the product has to offer to them and why they should consider it. 

So to persuade a customer into choosing your company's product all you need to do is follow these steps and you will be on your way to success. All it takes to build the relationship with a  customer is trust. If you're honest about what you say your product does then the customer will be able to commit to buying.

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