Friday, March 27, 2009

Creating a Perfect Outline

Organazation- Creating the Perfect Outline

Traditional Roman Numeral Outline-

1.Major section
A. First-level subsection
1. Second-level subsection
a.Third-level subsection
1) Fourth-level subsection

Roman Numeral-
  • Step 1- Know your topic well enough to be able to identify it’s major sections.
  • Step 2- Decide first level topic is the overall topic of the article.
  • Step 3- Decide on your second major section.
  • Step 4- Once you’ve made your major section think about minor divisions.
  • Step 5- After creating the outline go back and fill in other information.
  • Step 6- Finally review your work and see if there is anymore information you can put in.

Decimal Numbering System-

1. Major Idea
1.1 Supporting idea for 1
1.2 Supporting idea for 1
1.2.1 Example or illustration of 1.2
1.2.2 Example or illustration of 1.2 Detail for 1.2.2 Detail for 1.2.2
1.3 Supporting idea for 1
2. Major Idea

Typical Uses of Decimal Numbering System Outline -

  • Procedural Manuals
  • Mathematical texts
  • Scientific Material
  • Technical Material


1.Keep information in a professional order
2.Everyone is clear on the information at hand
3.Looks very professional
4.Efficient way of getting the information down on paper.
5.Time saver.

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