Saturday, March 21, 2009

Content and Organization

In the marketing field it is vital to make sure that you message is clear and concise. If its not, you may mislead your target and a number of things could go wrong. To ensure this never happens, use proper content and organization. Proper content and organization allows you to effectively get your point across and at the same time be easy for your target to read. Below are some simple steps that can help you improve in this area.


The first thing that you need to pay attention to is the content in your writing. After you write your draft, put yourself in a frame of mind to view your work objectively. Some things you should ask yourself are:
  • What is my purpose?
  • Do I need to add or elminate content?
  • Is my content accurate?
  • Are my recommendations supported by my conclusion?

When thinking about adding more content, make sure that it is tied in with the purpose. The last thing you want to do is have a bunch of useless information in your paper. Even if it's interesting, your distracting your reader from the purpose. So don't add anything unless it will help improve your case.


The first thing you need to do when focusing on organization is make an outline. The benefits of having an outline is that it breaks down blocks of text into single ideas, and makes the sequence of points easy to evaluate. It is a lot easier to organize your thoughts when they're only one or two lines. If you find a problem in your outline, simply revise it until it sounds better. You want to make sure that there is strong logic in your sequence to ensure your readers can easily follow.

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